Hosting Title: | hands free timesheet company - for your ISBSG consulting... |
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Description: | At the hands-free timesheet company, we offer consulting in time tracking software, timekeeping and time management software. Removing the need for electronic timesheets and timecards free your staff to do company work, saving you time and money. Perfect for project managers, HR, payroll, ISBSG and time management. So if you are into function point analysis, attendance software and employee tracking, we can help you get on and become more productive at what you do. Supplier of MetriQ software. |
Category: | Business & Economy: Consultancy |
Hosting ID: | 28477 |
Link Owner: | nile |
Date Added: | May 12, 2009 10:40:47 AM |
Number Web Hosts Hits:: | 407 |
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