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To Pack or Not to Pack: Are Professional Packers Worth It? Ask a pro

To Pack or Not to Pack: Are Professional Packers Worth It? Ask a pro

Author: Rory
Category: Business & Economy
Way up the pros and cons of hiring a professional removalist pre-packing

To Pack or Not to Pack:

Are Professional Packers Worth It? There are generally two types of people when it comes to moving houses: Those that prefer to pack everything themselves, and those who swear by professional packers. If you’re tossing up whether to invest in packing help, we’ve put together four basic questions to help you decide what’s right for you.


1. How Much is Your Time Worth? This is one of the biggest considerations when deciding whether to hire professional packers or not. Packing your house means spending your free time sourcing boxes and packing materials, sorting and packing everything, repacking the boxes you didn’t get right the first time, unpacking and disposing of boxes and packing materials when the move is over. While a removalist can usually get this done in a day or two, if you’re already working full-time it can take weeks to find the spare time to get it all done by yourself. Compare your hourly rate with that of your removalists - you may find that outsourcing this task makes more sense than expending your own time and energy.


2. Will Your Possessions Be Covered? It’s worth noting that while most removalists have no-damage guarantees, moving insurance or both, these usually won’t apply to the contents of boxes you’ve packed yourself unless there are obvious signs of external damage. By getting your insured removalist to pack your items you’ll be covering all bases when it comes to potential breakages.


3. How Committed Are You? While you may enjoy the thrill of playing moving box Tetris, the satisfaction of packing the perfect box is usually pretty short-lived. By the time you’ve done a few rooms, you’ll be wishing everything was packed already and are more likely to rush the job. Hiring a professional packing team is a great way to ensure that all of your boxes are packed well, and you won’t end your move kicking yourself for items broken because your last few boxes were thrown together carelessly.


4. Can You Disassemble Your Furniture? Professional packers disassemble furniture at lightning speed. This will not only save your removalists time trying to angle large pieces through tight doorways or stairwells, but it will also mean your furniture takes up less truck space and your removalist won’t have to make as many trips.


It’s Not All or Nothing You can hire professional packers to take care of as much or as little of the packing as you need. Many people opt to pack their most personal possessions themselves, then leave packing fragile or tedious items to the professionals.


If you’re running out of time and don’t know how you’re going to get on top of packing before move day, hiring a few extra hands at the last minute is an option that’s definitely worth considering.


Proudly Brought to you by #1 Most Trusted Brisbane Removalist. Platinum Furniture Removals Level 6/140 Creek st, Brisbane, QLD, 4000 0477 775 935

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